S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Namibia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Namibia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Ucrania

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Ucrania

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Finlandia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Finlandia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Mauritania

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Mauritania

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Somalia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Somalia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Venezuela

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Venezuela

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
IHackLabs, aprende de los mejores

IHackLabs, aprende de los mejores

Introducción Recientemente he probado "IHackLabs", una plataforma de aprendizaje, laboratorios y certificaciones para estudiantes y profesionales. Me he reunido con Diana y Carlos, la gente detrás de esta idea, en "Sh3llCON2017 Congreso de Seguridad". Todo el trabajo en torno a…
XSS Challenges

XSS Challenges

Here's my journal to solve all the XSS Challenges writed  by yamagata21 on http://xss-quiz.int21h.jp/, This is an starter level to people who want to learn some cross-site scripting and its several ways to inject on differents browsers. XSS Challenges http://xss-quiz.int21h.jp Stage1: http://xss-quiz.int21h.jp…

NotSoSecure SQLi CTF – writeup

Access to challenge using a proxy like burp or zap and submit data to login. Notice the forwarded to: http://ctf.notsosecure.com/71367217217126217712/checklogin.php that contains: 7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c This could be decoded '7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c'.decode('hex') in python to read secret_register.html >>> '7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c'.decode('hex') 'secret_register.html' The registration page offers…

ASIS CTF – simple pcap «spcap» writeup

A simple task named spcap (simple pcap). We open it with wireshark and get the Statistics->Conversations. Some SSH, HTTP on it. Apply this filter on HTTP: ip.addr== && tcp.port==52694 && ip.addr== && tcp.port==80 We notice that if we follow TCP…
29C3 CTF: Node writeup

29C3 CTF: Node writeup

This 29C3 from Chaos Computer Club hackers. We participate as dcua team, awesome people trying the best effort for the challenges.  Nice job! Node Points: 200 Solves: 18 Description Node.js is smart, fast, easy and secure... Don't you think so too?…
CTF Hack.lu: Mini Zombie Business (+100pt) write-up

CTF Hack.lu: Mini Zombie Business (+100pt) write-up

We got to make some business with our zombie in https://ctf.fluxfingers.net:2076/mini/. There's a zombie image and at first look we get some data encoded on it. <form/name="a"/data-a="Fcabdux ehiktgmaj:nopylqrsvf_wz(&quot;){}.?L="></form> <div/id="&#x61;"></div>//id="a" <img/src="zomb.png"/onclick="dafuq()"/> There is a <script> tag with several unescape functions and…

OWASP 2012 Online Competition

Para los que queráis 'hackear' en un entorno seguro y legal, Hacking-Lab ha promovido a través de su patrocinador OWASP un nuevo wargame con la posibilidad de ganar algún premio, como la asistencia a las AppSec USA y AppSEC Latam 2012. Personalmente…

II Wargame SecurityByDefault («keyconsole»)

En primer lugar gracias a las personas detrás de SbD por organizar este concurso y enhorabuena a los ganadores, esperamos sus write-ups ansiosos. Este reto consistía en conocer el token al ejecutar el fichero que proporcionaba la prueba 'keyconsole'. Al…