Reimonware H-C0N 2023

Reimonware H-C0N 2023

With the 5th H-C0N 2023 cybersecurity congress held in LaNave (Madrid), some friends asked me to collaborate with a challenge for the CTF that was organised from 21 to 25 February. The congress itself deserves it and the people who…
ASIS CTF 2020. Web Warmup.

ASIS CTF 2020. Web Warmup.

Hello all, friends. 20 months from my last post! We could say i'm not too much active on this blog , ha-ha. This weekend had the opportunity to test some ASIS CTF 2020 challenges and join this legendary CTF with…
CSAW. Red Team competition. «Babyrev»

CSAW. Red Team competition. «Babyrev»

Babyrev is reversing challenge on CSAW "Red team competition" where have to pass 99 rounds of input 4-digits code based on some check function.  Main graph on IDA:  Disassembly of check(): Dump of assembler code for function check: 0x0000000000400893 <+0>:…
Cybercamp 2018 quals: «Oh my G0d!»

Cybercamp 2018 quals: «Oh my G0d!»

Intro As a frequently player on cybergames and ctf's this year wanted play on prequal of Cybercamp CTF 2018 organized by INCIBE. This allows me to take a snapshot of the maturity and quality of both platforms and challenges, apart from…
Cybercamp 2018 quals: «Unnecessary redundancy»

Cybercamp 2018 quals: «Unnecessary redundancy»


As a frequently player on cybergames and ctf’s this year wanted play on prequal of Cybercamp CTF 2018 organized by INCIBE. This allows me to take a snapshot of the maturity and quality of both platforms and challenges, apart from having a good time solving some problems (not always played as tunelko :))

Efiens CTF – mediumRE

Efiens CTF – mediumRE

Hi folks. This post is about a Efiens challenge, easy-medium RE that my colleague Cothan publish on twitter as a part of a set of them included on Efiens CTF. As described on his tweet, is an easy ctf that try…
XSS – Security Update For EasySocial 2.0.19

XSS – Security Update For EasySocial 2.0.19

Hi, Recently during a pentest on a web application i've discovered a little bug on joomla component called com_easysocial. Basically the component lets people to join to social network uploading photos, posting messages on a wall, etc. On one of…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Namibia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Namibia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Ucrania

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Ucrania

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Finlandia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Finlandia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Mauritania

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Mauritania

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Somalia

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Somalia

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Venezuela

S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Venezuela

Hi mates, During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will…
IHackLabs, aprende de los mejores

IHackLabs, aprende de los mejores

Introducción Recientemente he probado "IHackLabs", una plataforma de aprendizaje, laboratorios y certificaciones para estudiantes y profesionales. Me he reunido con Diana y Carlos, la gente detrás de esta idea, en "Sh3llCON2017 Congreso de Seguridad". Todo el trabajo en torno a…
LSE Epita format string

LSE Epita format string

Time ago i can't write on this blog. It's normal when your time is full dedicated to work and study. Now, i have one hour to publish something related guess with ? Yes, ctf challenges :) Since this is only…
Hackover CTF – messagecenter

Hackover CTF – messagecenter

A long time since last writeup so i have decided comment a simple web level solved on "Hackover CTF". It's very old vulnerability related with type safe comparation on PHP and serialize function. We have a web login with normal test…


WEB 1000

Our division of foreign cyber affairs has been hard at work lately. While mapping out some obscure subnets (which we think belong to the intelligence agency that is investigating HEAVENWEB) we’ve come accross a Sattelite Communications Center. One of our employees managed to snag a copy of some source code before they further locked down the platform. Luckily the login frontend still seems to be reachable.

Can you help us gain access to the platform and find out which information has been compromised?

n00bs CTF Labs by Infosec Institute

n00bs CTF Labs by Infosec Institute

This time InfoSec Institute bring us the opportunity to learn a very basic concepts for n00bs on a CTF with 15 Levels. Level 1 Just browse the source and see the comment. <!-- infosec_flagis_welcome --> flag: infosec_flagis_welcome Level 2 Seems we…
Second NotSoSecure SQLiLab CTF

Second NotSoSecure SQLiLab CTF

Dear fellow Hackers!, thanks for signing up for the 2nd SQLiLab CTF. The CTF is now on!. Before you go all out hacking the CTF, here are some rules of the engagement: 1. Strictly no brute-forcing. There is no need…

Mission 1 & Mission 2 Write-Ups – Security-BSides London

Hi all!. Last february i have participated on Security BSides Challenges, here: Yesterday @AlecRWaters contacts me to confirm that we get second position on both challenges. So got a ticket to this  infosec conference. "Hi , I’m delighted to announce…

PHDays 2014 Quals: PHP_JL writeup

This time another great quals CTF organized by guys and girls of PHdays. PHP_JL was another PHP with safe_mode and functions disabled. First we have to notice is the source of html output: <!-- Notice: Undefined index: code in /var/www/index.php…
XSS Challenges

XSS Challenges

Here's my journal to solve all the XSS Challenges writed  by yamagata21 on, This is an starter level to people who want to learn some cross-site scripting and its several ways to inject on differents browsers. XSS Challenges Stage1:…

NotSoSecure SQLi CTF – writeup

Access to challenge using a proxy like burp or zap and submit data to login. Notice the forwarded to: that contains: 7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c This could be decoded '7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c'.decode('hex') in python to read secret_register.html >>> '7365637265745f72656769737465722e68746d6c'.decode('hex') 'secret_register.html' The registration page offers…

ASIS CTF – simple pcap «spcap» writeup

A simple task named spcap (simple pcap). We open it with wireshark and get the Statistics->Conversations. Some SSH, HTTP on it. Apply this filter on HTTP: ip.addr== && tcp.port==52694 && ip.addr== && tcp.port==80 We notice that if we follow TCP…
29C3 CTF: Node writeup

29C3 CTF: Node writeup

This 29C3 from Chaos Computer Club hackers. We participate as dcua team, awesome people trying the best effort for the challenges.  Nice job! Node Points: 200 Solves: 18 Description Node.js is smart, fast, easy and secure... Don't you think so too?…
CTF Mini Zombie Business (+100pt) write-up

CTF Mini Zombie Business (+100pt) write-up

We got to make some business with our zombie in There's a zombie image and at first look we get some data encoded on it. <form/name="a"/data-a="Fcabdux ehiktgmaj:nopylqrsvf_wz(&quot;){}.?L="></form> <div/id="&#x61;"></div>//id="a" <img/src="zomb.png"/onclick="dafuq()"/> There is a <script> tag with several unescape functions and…

OWASP 2012 Online Competition

Para los que queráis 'hackear' en un entorno seguro y legal, Hacking-Lab ha promovido a través de su patrocinador OWASP un nuevo wargame con la posibilidad de ganar algún premio, como la asistencia a las AppSec USA y AppSEC Latam 2012. Personalmente…

BuscaTuits1.2: Actualización a LungoJS 1.2

Acabo de añadir un repositorio en GitHub para actualizar la webapp "BuscaTuits" y adaptarla a la nueva versión de LungoJS 1.2. He corregido algunas inconsistencias para Android4+ relacionadas con el scroll y modificado el propio LungoJS 1.2 añadiendo un método…

LungoJS: Un primer diseño con navegación

En la entrada anterior, comentaba la estructura básica de una webapp con LungoJS y el aspecto que ofrecía ésta nada mas descomentar las líneas de la instancia App en app.js. Sin abandonar nuestro index.html, vamos a generar una primera página…

LungoJS, aplicaciones móviles con HTML5, CSS3 y Javascript

Para desarrollar aplicaciones en dispositivos móviles tenemos numerosas posibilidades en cuanto a lenguajes, plataformas y entornos de desarrollo. Principalmente, hay dos opciones: crear aplicaciones nativas para cada dispositivo con su respectivo lenguaje o crear una 'webapp' compatible para HTML5, un…

Intercambio de datos con JSON en Android SDK

Json es un formato compacto de intercambio de datos soportado por librerías en Android SDK. En este post vamos a escribir un par de funciones para entender como recuperar un fichero json de la web de TusPerlas y así de paso avanzar el pŕoximo…