S21SEC [DCS17CTF] – Somalia

Hi mates,

During my spare time i have tried some tasks from DSC17 CTF by S21sec. I will comment here on those in which I found more difficult or fun. FBCTF was present as platform so from here tasks names will be countries associated.

Somalia – 800 points 


They provide us with a pcapng capture with DNS queries IN A from IPv6 host. This queries were of type Standard Query 0x000 A with some random hexadecimal [hex-host].des. I’ve been working around the idea of some kind of cipher due «.des» domain termination and after trying some others weird methods (hex->ascii, hex-unxor) that produces nothing.

Another problem was that UDP source ports appears with strange range (0,117 random) and probably we need to sort in order to get some good outputs. My initial tries produce nothing with unordered streams by udp source ports. So if I was right need to reorder source ports, ‘guess’ cipher key and finally decipher flag. Let’s start.

Solution 1: tshark to the rescue

A quickly way to sort those udp source ports that will output only hexadecimal strings of our streams was:

tshark -r exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng -Tfields -e udp.srcport -e dns.qry.name |sort -n | cut -f2| sed 's/.des//g'|tr -d "\n"

This produces output:


Ok, we have all data with correct (asumption) order but what about key for DES-ECB (asumption) cipher. We can try with some data inside the pcap because guessing was too difficult to try and we have a constant field on all the streams: IPv6 field c7:3f:1d:b9:a2:4:4a:ff. 

Notice is key is 15 bytes and we need a 16-bytes one for decipher ecb-des, so padding left with ‘0’ that ‘alone’ 4. We have all to make our first script to solve the task in our initial assumption.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
DCS17 Challenge S21SEC
Tenemos la sospecha que se han exfiltrado datos, a través de la red.
¿Podrías saber que se ha exfiltrado ?
Fichero: exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng
Puntos: 800 
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
import binascii
from scapy.all import *
import subprocess

# Leemos el pcap
pcap = rdpcap("exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng")

# Sacamos la key que se deduce de la dirección  ipv6 origen 
key = pcap[1][IPv6].src 
key = key.split(':')

# Padding de relleno para la key. son 15 characteres pero necesitamos 16. 
for i in xrange(len(key)):
	if len(key[i])==1:
		key[i] =  str("0" + key[i])
	ckey = ''.join(key) #ckey = "c73f1db9a2044aff"

# Ejecutamos tshark ordenando filtrando los streams por src port 
hexdata = subprocess.check_output("tshark -r exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng -Tfields -e udp.srcport -e dns.qry.name |sort -n | cut -f2| sed 's/.des//g'|tr -d \"\n\"", shell=True)
# Pasamos los datos para descifrarlos con des ecb 
hexdata_to_binary = binascii.unhexlify(hexdata)
key = binascii.unhexlify(ckey)
des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
flag_text = des.decrypt(hexdata_to_binary)
print "#"*100 
print flag_text
print "#"*100

Hey!, seems that worked. We have a flag, but we can make use of scapy instead of that ugly tshark subprocess command. So refactor python to produce same result:

Scapy: Infiniteless possibilities

I don’t know deeper scapy but i know has a lot of possibilities to work on pcap files, so i finally reduce the python script using scapy:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
DCS17 Challenge S21SEC
Tenemos la sospecha que se han exfiltrado datos, a través de la red.
¿Podrías saber que se ha exfiltrado ?
Fichero: exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng
Puntos: 800 
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
from scapy.all import *
import binascii

# Leemos el pcap
pcap = rdpcap("exfiltracion_111abda47b950e6cd474a43583372c4f.pcapng")

# Sacamos la key que se deduce de la dirección  ipv6 origen 
key = pcap[1][IPv6].src 
key = key.split(':')

# Necesitamos padding para la key c73f1db9a244aff != c73f1db9a2044aff
for i in xrange(len(key)):
	if len(key[i])==1:
		key[i] =  str("0" + key[i])
	ckey = ''.join(key)

# Sacamos los paquetes ordenando por puerto UDP origen 
for packet in sorted(pcap, key= lambda x:x[UDP].sport,reverse=False):
    hexdata += ''.join((packet[DNSQR].qname).replace('.des','').replace('.',''))

# Pasamos los datos para descifrarlos con des ecb 
hexdata_to_binary = binascii.unhexlify(hexdata)
key = binascii.unhexlify(ckey)
des = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_ECB)
flag_text = des.decrypt(hexdata_to_binary)
print "#"*100 
print flag_text
print "#"*100

The equivalent part to the tshark version was the sorted udp source port part with scapy:

# Sacamos los paquetes ordenando por puerto UDP origen 
for packet in sorted(pcap, key= lambda x:x[UDP].sport,reverse=False):
    hexdata += ''.join((packet[DNSQR].qname).replace('.des','').replace('.',''))

Finally got the output:

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